Far into the future, after the Dark Ages people find themselves nomads, travelling in clans in their search for food, shelter and a trace of the world that once was. In this world, a twelve year old named Sahara is confused by recurring dreams of four legged creatures, fleet of foot with flowing mane and tail.

It seems unthinkable to me that people wouldn’t know the word horse, or recognise the term that matches the image of this glorious animal. And yet, in The Girl Who Remembered Horses, this is the case for many, including young Sahara.
A chance viewing of a wild herd running in the distance captures her clan’s attention. As someone identifies them as horses, Sahara realises this is the creature she has been dreaming of, running amongst them; riding astride them. As she shares these dreams her belief that these large animals could be tamed and even trained is laughed off. None in the current environment are aware of this being a possibility; none know that humans used to ride horses in the past.
“Sahara stood transfixed. Their beauty sent a thrill through her. They stirred her soul down to its very depths.”
The Girl Who Remembered Horses explores a young girl developing into a teenager and her desire to work out what is important and how she can be a contribution to her clan. Orphaned at a young age, Sahara and her sister Laurel have only their grandfather for family. Sahara is able to share her dreams with her grandfather who seems to understand her desire to catch and tame a horse. What’s more, he encourages her.
With this, Sahara dares to dream the impossible. Whilst other clan members are keen to hunt the horses for their meat, Sahara is able to save a young horse after he is hunted down.
Sadly, disapproving clan members act in a way that causes her to lose an animal that she felt within her was able to be trained. Following the loss of her grandfather, Sahara vows to put childish dreaming aside and help out more with chores that everyone has to pitch in and do. The dreams persistently tempt the teen to dream about what could have been. It seems impossible that she should be given another chance with a horse but it also seems that she was born to tame horses again.
The Girl Who Remembered Horses is a fascinating read. It explores an interesting environment for humans set in the future after a disaster that seems to have taken out much of humanity, and technology along with it. As Sahara learns about and believes in herself, the story builds in an entertaining way.
Linda Benson explores well this captivating animal that many love and how it can feed the imagination. The main character Sahara I found to be believable and likeable. A great read.
Author: Linda Benson
Fiction – a teen is the main character, but it will appeal to older readers too.
In my library? Another one that I now have as an eBook!
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“To many, the words love, hope and dreams are synonymous with horses.” – Author unknown