In a follow on from the first book in the Pine Hollow series, the Trail Home further explores the repercussions of a car accident. Steve was driving and Carole was in the car alongside new character Callie Forester. In a horrific storm, Stevie collides with a runaway terrified horse, Fez.
Fez just happens to be Callie’s horse and Stevie suffers with incredible guilt over the horse’s condition – and Callie’s. Carole is working alongside stable hand Ben to ensure that Fez is as comfortable as possible. This is in spite of her struggle to work with Ben. He stays aloof with people and Carole can’t work out what his deal is.
Lisa is in California away from all the activity as she catches up with her father and step mother. Suddenly the three girls aren’t together and aren’t helping each other out with problems as they arise. In fact, Lisa seems so far removed that it appears she is saying all the wrong things over the phone.
The Trail Home explores well the value of therapeutic riding for permanently and temporarily disabled people. It also looks at the difficult task of recuperating horses that cannot weight bear on all four legs. Although it’s typical for things to be tied up neatly in novels, this isn’t the case in the Trail Home. Stevie and Carole come to realise that not every problem can be solved and it looks like readers have to wait until the next instalment to see how things progress.
Author: Bonnie Bryant
Fiction – teenagers
In My Library? It is, along with others in the series.
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