I recently became aware of a marketing business called Candesco Online. What drew my attention was that one area focuses specifically on equestrian marketing. Definitely there are businesses that need to be able to address a wide range of areas to provide their services. Marketing is one such area. But how wonderful as an equine business to know that the person helping you to market your product/service also knows about the equine industry!

For Candesco Online, there is a particular worker who is able to boast over 45 years equestrian related experience. Debbie is not only a qualified saddler, but has also competed in dressage, show jumping and cross country as well as carriage driving.
What a resume to have for your equine clients who want to market their business! When you combine this vast equestrian knowledge with a background in marketing, you’re more likely to be comfortable hiring such a person to help market your equine related business.
Equestrian Marketing with Candesco Online
Things appear to be summed up well on the equestrian marketing page of their site:
“whatever your target market, we have the equestrian knowledge and expertise to help you reach your target audience in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.”
And honestly, who doesn’t want results like that? Someone who knows the equestrian industry as well as marketing is quickly able to help your business. They can identify who you should be promoting your product/s and/or services to. Being able to do so will save you time and money for your equine related business.
We all have various skills and passions. What’s to stop you from combining yours with a horse focus? There are so many equine career options out there.
“You seem to be trying to ride a pony named Trouble all the way to the border.” ― Erik Bundy