Well here’s one for those of you out there who love to crochet/knit. I stumbled across this today on Facebook and just love the look of these ponies!
Pepperoni Ponies can be simply made from single crochet stitches and look great with a mane and tail on them – I need to learn to crochet! As it says on the site:
“Make Your Own Crochet Pepperoni Ponies!
Change the yarn and hook size, and you get a different pony…”
I had never considered the idea of selling the design of a crochet pattern that related to horses, to bring in funds. But it seems this is indeed possible! And why not?
So food for thought: what product have you designed that relates to horses and could interest others? You may find there is as much value in creating and selling the product as there is in helping others to create it themselves… 🙂
“I pray the gentle hands may guide my feet;I ask for kind commands from voices sweet; At night a stable warm with scented hay, where, safe from every harm, I’ll sleep till day.” – Pony’s prayer