This week’s letter is T. If you missed last week’s Friday Feature, take a look at Steward.
Many people love the idea of riding fast horses – not me, I’m a sook! Although they may aspire to be a jockey, their physique may not make this possible. It is however possible to be taller and weigh more than a jockey and still ride track work. That is, ride horses on a racecourse in anticipation for race day.

In fact for many, the opportunity to become a jockey is first formed through riding track work.
If riding racehorses appeals to you, consider:
- A need to know racing rules and regulations
- The need to ride horses at timed work
- Early hours will be a non negotiable
- Busy days will often be race days, which will include weekend work
- Riding happens at most stables 6 days a week and will involve riding many different horses each morning
You need to have your track rider’s license to be able to ride racehorses for a trainer. For other posts that relate to this area of work on Equus-Blog, take a look at:
- Equine Goals and Dreams
- Trackrider Course in Victoria
- Track Riding of Racehorses
- Profile On: Brooke Sweeney, Apprentice Jockey
“What a creature he was! Never have I felt such a horse between my knees. His great haunches gathered under him with every stride, and he shot forward ever faster and faster, stretched like a greyhound, while the windbeat in my face and whistled past my ears.” – Arthur Conan Doyle
[…] This week’s letter is V. If you missed last week’s Friday Feature, take a look at Track Rider. […]